Sunday, December 5, 2010


I fell victim to LOVE... 
Im trying to crawl out of LOVE.. 

Because its only hurting who i am on the inside... 

U'll Nvr Learn or Understand... B/C u kno whats right...

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Ive discovered my problem.... =/  im truly lonely.. =(


Its been such a long time since I've showed my blog love...  I've missed u!

Monday, November 15, 2010

One Great Car Ride..

Stop right there......... I have lost myself ........ But i found Me.......... Reversing Car and going Left... Because Right was wrong..... Take your bow and enjoy the Glory, cuz u got it! I lost myself but i found ME! My Guard goes up... and my mouth Shuts......Words have been said..... I lost myself in u, but i found me...... Thanks for For this enjoyable Car Ride........ and when im ready for another Right turn in this Car, ill definitely Hop in....... This seat belt is unbuckled, and I hv exited the car.... I lost myself  but i found Me... 
I have an anger issue.......... I neeeeed to release this anger within the nxt hour! 

Wait before u go too far

Please dnt read too much into this blog... its just things i think about, feel, and see. I enjoy expressing whats going on in my brain on my blog, so i really hope you enjoy.. =)


Who would have known something with only 4 letters can be so POWERFUL. This word is such a beautiful word,  people enjoy saying it & it can give you all kinds of feelings. This word brings fun, smiles, enjoyment, pain, hate, hurt, etc. But who ever knew one word could be so POWERFUL. You give the person you are with the option to say this word to you and this catches you off guard. Who knew one word could mean so much. Giving you the wonderful feelings from this one word. LOVE is a beautiful word, a beautiful feeling and a lot of lessons. I know because i've tried it before, but the word LOVE is one heavy word that everyone isn't ready for. 

My Advise to whom ever is reading this.... Make sure you are ready for LOVE and Ready for what  LOVE brings. Im not saying dont try it, but just make sure you are ready for what your trying and Enjoy it. Oo Yea, LOVE isn't something to Regret!... =)

Enjoy, and I hope my words helped you see somethings you havent seen before.