Monday, November 15, 2010

One Great Car Ride..

Stop right there......... I have lost myself ........ But i found Me.......... Reversing Car and going Left... Because Right was wrong..... Take your bow and enjoy the Glory, cuz u got it! I lost myself but i found ME! My Guard goes up... and my mouth Shuts......Words have been said..... I lost myself in u, but i found me...... Thanks for For this enjoyable Car Ride........ and when im ready for another Right turn in this Car, ill definitely Hop in....... This seat belt is unbuckled, and I hv exited the car.... I lost myself  but i found Me... 
I have an anger issue.......... I neeeeed to release this anger within the nxt hour! 

Wait before u go too far

Please dnt read too much into this blog... its just things i think about, feel, and see. I enjoy expressing whats going on in my brain on my blog, so i really hope you enjoy.. =)


Who would have known something with only 4 letters can be so POWERFUL. This word is such a beautiful word,  people enjoy saying it & it can give you all kinds of feelings. This word brings fun, smiles, enjoyment, pain, hate, hurt, etc. But who ever knew one word could be so POWERFUL. You give the person you are with the option to say this word to you and this catches you off guard. Who knew one word could mean so much. Giving you the wonderful feelings from this one word. LOVE is a beautiful word, a beautiful feeling and a lot of lessons. I know because i've tried it before, but the word LOVE is one heavy word that everyone isn't ready for. 

My Advise to whom ever is reading this.... Make sure you are ready for LOVE and Ready for what  LOVE brings. Im not saying dont try it, but just make sure you are ready for what your trying and Enjoy it. Oo Yea, LOVE isn't something to Regret!... =)

Enjoy, and I hope my words helped you see somethings you havent seen before. 

The Things People Say..

* Baybe lets make it work..
* I really want to be with you 
* I miss you 
* I love you
* I need you 
* So on and So on...

These are the things that one will say to get your attention back to them. Is it believable? Ummmm Yes, but if it isn't being shown then its just talk, No Chaser! 

I'm no Chaser! and I wont Chase you... I've Done it for too long.... So if u dont Chase, then it wont be.... U make the Choice!! 

Missing u

O How I Missed Thee Blog..... Sry I wont go Long with out u again! lol 

Thursday, November 11, 2010


CD of the week is.... (Drum Roll Please) ....
Teflon Don By Ricky Ross.. ROZAY! lol This CD is the jam, and i didnt realize how much i was sleeping on it. One thing i will say, Its Riding Music... Download, Steal, buy, what ever.. Get This Joint... lol Thats All! =) Enjoy 

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Acronym for fear is: 
F alse 
E vidence 
A ppearing 
R eal

Believe that... Fear Nothing!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Have a Toast for this Ass hole

Let's have a toast for the douchebags,
Let's have a toast for the assholes,
Let's have a toast for the scumbags,
Every one of them that I know
Let's have a toast to the jerkoffs
That'll never take work off
Baby, I got a plan
Run away fast as you can

Something a Guy Needs To Kno! @JustShemaBaby

"Fellas, don't entertain a chick's advances if you're in a relationship. It's not a form of flattery and is very disrespectful... you're giving a sense of hope that doesn't exist and after a while, the curiousity will turn into action." - via Tiffany Black

Toot That Thang Up! lmao

Sunday, November 7, 2010

VIA @: Gentlemen:: Unlike the popular record that's out now 99.999% of women “HATE THE WAY YOU LIE”

Here Goes Nothing

History & The Future..


I want to be Fake

Just for a day i want to experience fake.. Alot of girls live this Fake life, and I want to see with being fake where it would take me..

Is become Nicki the ending result?

She said it... Not Me!

Its sad cuz u called urself My Friend.. -- Via Anja! 
This Statement is so true. Some people dont understand the word friend, the value, the meaning. Please be loyal to the one you call friend! 

An underrated Artist

10 Seconds

Oo, oo baby 
I'm going, I'm going crazy 
Boy you should move it 
Cuz I'm 'bout to lose it 
And this ain't a game 
I'm not playing 
I honestly think 
That I'm being generous 
Gave you my all 
And look what you did to us 
Look how you finished us 
So this is what I'm gonna do 
Ten seconds is all that I'm giving you 

Can You Hear Me...

Everything is too LOUD to hear what im saying! 

Listen to ME! 

I Love Glee

You Can Be Popular and Still be a loser! lmao 

I love this show!! 

Word from the wise!

Never believe u can change a MAN! 

For Colored Girls... Read This!

Ok.. Ill admit I was confused just a tad, then I realized in the middle of the movie they were reciting poems. LOL. But the way I feel about the movie was kind of perplexed. I don't want to give away the movie, so I wont say much.

It was a deep movie and I saw myself in 50% of the girls. (No I'm not suicidal). The fact these women with the different problems and the out come result is the same, was very sad. The POWER that a women gives to a MAN is crazy. The trust, the love, the faith, and for a man to take advantage of that is So Sad. The movie definitely makes you think.

My advice to the next women: Be careful with what you ask for, be aware, present yourself to as a woman, and be careful how you lead another man on, because it can go left so fast.

Poem: Someone almost ran away with all of my stuff.  -If you can find this poem PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read it.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

For all you haters! This is for u...

CD of the Week!

It is 2010 almost 2011 and I'm still bumpin this CD... Man I loved this Brandy, I was such a HardCore fan when I was younger, and I still am now! You can never let go of GOOD MUSIC!

The Game Said It Himself...

I love to hear another MAN taken up for a woman (Vise Versa)... The Game (The Rapper) was on Twitter this morning informing MEN and WOMEN that cheating is not OK, and its time to grow up. Yes temptation does accure, but a man/woman is never too good to admit their wrongs. (Believe it or not, people like the truth.. lol) When you lose the one you love you HAVE to fight to get her/him back. The industry is no JOKE, and being with a normal guy/female isn't either. Trust me, if a MAN/WOMAN wants you in any shape or form, he/she will make time for you. No, not just the time to sex you... But time to spend with you, take you out, and make u feel like your the only one that exist. 

THINK ABOUT IT!  lmao hahahaha 

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Boobies! lol

"I didn't know ur boobies where a Cup Holder Too! lol Thats cool" 

Boobies can be: A pocket book, storage, a wallet, a heater at times, lol etc... 

But my boobies are not CUP HOLDERS! -_- lol

I cant help it!

I have a shoppin problem! =(
I wont be stingy! Go shopping too Nordstroms Anniversary Sale has started Today! yay

YRF - At The End Of The Day

Check out YRF on And Peep the other Videos they have just uploaded... Lets Go! =)

Jay-Z Addressing the MC Hammer issue

Jay-Z Reacts To MC Hammer Diss Record by Roy Thomas

MC Hammer should be Embarrassed for what he said about Jay! U listen.. tell me what u think

I L O V E This Song! Everything about it, is so Dope!

I can only be ME!

Knowing whats right, is the best thing you can ever realize. Learning that you have grown into a Mature individual is a blessing. It was pretty difficult for me and I learned how to make things work and understand the things around me. Jogging threw my life and everything Ive been through has been an obstacle and has molded me into the person I am today. Less judgemental, more giving, very helpful,  optimistic, etc. I love the person I'm becoming, because if I don't then who else will. Don't get me wrong, I'm not perfect in anyway, but for damn sure I'm perfect in MY OWN WAY. With that said, the reason for this blog started off as an assignment and I enjoyed it. Now it has become my new hobby. This blog are the things I love, the things that make me laugh, my emotional feelings, and my enjoyment. You can Love it or Hate it. But to know me is to Love me...
Being relaxed is my new thing. Kicking my feet up is the life. This is Me.. My Life... and what I ENJOY!

Call me Selfish if u want but...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

This is so funny But so sad! Black Dora the Explora

Obama Smokes Weed Too! lmao

Prop 19 didnt pass! woohoo

The cutest relationship..

When I grow up I want a relationship just like this... =)

"Mom! Mom! Phineas and Ferb are making a TV Tropes page!"

Rich Kids!

The 3 C's

Sometimes its ok to be Cool Calm and Collected.

Alot Of People Forget This...

My Favorite Get away! Shoes

I want you but when 
everything gets better! 
This is so TRUE!

Time to Vote!

Get out and Vote ppl!! Have a Voice.. You are the future!

Monday, November 1, 2010

One Dangerous Lifestyle! I <3 Shoes! 

Welcome Home =)

Salute... At Eaze

Welcome to my life, my fun, my world. 
Nice to meet you by the way ;-)