Sunday, November 7, 2010

For Colored Girls... Read This!

Ok.. Ill admit I was confused just a tad, then I realized in the middle of the movie they were reciting poems. LOL. But the way I feel about the movie was kind of perplexed. I don't want to give away the movie, so I wont say much.

It was a deep movie and I saw myself in 50% of the girls. (No I'm not suicidal). The fact these women with the different problems and the out come result is the same, was very sad. The POWER that a women gives to a MAN is crazy. The trust, the love, the faith, and for a man to take advantage of that is So Sad. The movie definitely makes you think.

My advice to the next women: Be careful with what you ask for, be aware, present yourself to as a woman, and be careful how you lead another man on, because it can go left so fast.

Poem: Someone almost ran away with all of my stuff.  -If you can find this poem PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read it.

1 comment:

  1. That was my fav Poem someone almost ran away with my stuff..he almost took Me
